We went to the Greens Festival today in San Francisco. It is such an inspiring event that takes place where all kinds of green companies come together to vend and share information about environmental and sustainable living. My belly is out and about nowadays and I love it when people notice I'm pregnant and ask to rub the belly. It brings me joy and I feel like it puts a smile on their face. Creating life is always awe-inspiring and I love how present and in the moment it brings people. This is truly one of the happiest times in my life. Joshua and I wake up each day to greet Baby J with love and kisses. We go to sleep with Papa reading to the belly (advice from Uncle Dan). We recognize the blessing of each day and trust in the fact that we will be great and loving parents. Baby J's Bubby ( Josh's mom) would say, " There is no such thing as a perfect child because there are no perfect parents." Great advice from a great woman.
November 11, 2007 - 26 Weeks
We went to the Greens Festival today in San Francisco. It is such an inspiring event that takes place where all kinds of green companies come together to vend and share information about environmental and sustainable living. My belly is out and about nowadays and I love it when people notice I'm pregnant and ask to rub the belly. It brings me joy and I feel like it puts a smile on their face. Creating life is always awe-inspiring and I love how present and in the moment it brings people. This is truly one of the happiest times in my life. Joshua and I wake up each day to greet Baby J with love and kisses. We go to sleep with Papa reading to the belly (advice from Uncle Dan). We recognize the blessing of each day and trust in the fact that we will be great and loving parents. Baby J's Bubby ( Josh's mom) would say, " There is no such thing as a perfect child because there are no perfect parents." Great advice from a great woman.
Mama's Gathering
On November 7th, all of us pregnant mamas finally got together at Kathleen's house to circle and share in the joys of pregnancy. Together we made a nutritious meal and sat around and talked about how we were all doing. I feel so grateful to have a community of women who are going through a similar process and with whom I can bounce ideas, concerns and experiences off with. It is very special and rare that we get to share this time in our lives together. Even the sweet act of rubbing all our bellies together is such an incredible gift. I am soaking in every moment of it. I believe that all of our babies already have a close bond and delight in the fact that they all will grow up knowing each other. I am also glad that my due date is last because I will get to put the other babies on my pregnant belly to communicate with Baby J and welcome J to the world.
November 3, 2007 - 25 Weeks
November 1, 2007 - Meeting Baby Katz
After a long awaited time of seeing my sister, Rosa, who is also pregnant yet lives in Florida, we got to press our bellies together and have the cousins finally meet. Our due dates are only 10 days apart. Two incredbile new beings coming into the family around the same time. Goodness Gracious, how awesome! Makes the grandparents proud. Nonna ( Josephine's mom) calls BabyJ her little caterpillar. She has always called me her beautiful butterfly so it makes sense that the baby in my womb would be a caterpillar blossoming one day to be a butterfly itself. Look at those beautiful bellies. It is so amazing to be able to share this experience with Rosa. Blessed Be.
October 28, 2007 - Your Mama's Video
Stephen hired a crew to film us making a video of Your Mama's Mama's Mama's Band to the song, My Medecine. We had a fun long day of playing music, getting funky and creative. We invited some friends to meet us at Golden Gate Park to get down and funky and be in the video. Can't wait for you all to see it.
Baby Shower
Our wonderful friend Stephanie hosted a baby shower in our honor. She spent alot of time organizing it to create a very special day for us. Aunt Ashly and Uncle Adam came over early to help decorate and prepare the food. They suggested we take a bath, get comfortable and definitely not come out of our bedroom until the all decorations were complete. When we came out, we saw clotheslines filled with onesies all over our house. It was so adorable. The idea was that everyone at the party would take on down, go to the art table and design it, and then hang it back up. Everyone certainly got super creative and they came out wonderful as you can see. Paola and Jay made me a crown wreath with orchid flowers and colorful ribbons. It made me feel like such a goddess. During the party, we had a circle where we chanted a Hebrew song of peace (Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu). We spoke to the group of how we wish to create a world of peace for our baby and all babies of the world. We believe our baby will help bring about that peace. Joshua had everyone close their eyes and imagine they were in the womb. He then shared a story he had created for Baby J called Big Bright Star. Josephine sang a song that she wrote for Baby J. Then we passed around a chalice filled with water and asked everyone to infuse in it a blessing or prayer they had for us and/or Baby J. Once the chalice was infused with the elixir of blessings, we drank the water to fill our bodies with love. It was a dream day and one that got us so happily charged that we could hardly sleep that night. Thank you to all the friends that made this day so special for us. We will always cherish it.
October 17, 2007 - Midwife's Blessing
We met with our midwife, Amrit, today for the fifth time. She is amazing and Joshua and I love her presence and strength. She comes to our house for several hours to discuss birthing procedures, nutrition, any questions I have, and to see how the baby is progressing. She is very wise and thorough. Joshua and I feel like we are in good hands and that she is the perfect person to help deliver our baby. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat today and it was like listening to the sweetest music. Joshua even got up and danced to the beat. Baby J seems healthy and strong. I feel vibrant and Happy. I am so in love with being pregnant.
October 13, 2007 - Ashly's Baby Shower
October 10, 2007 - 21 Weeks
We enjoyed swimming several times a day while in Hawaii. In our 2nd week of vacation, while staying in Kauai, we discovered our favorite spot, Queen's Bath. How appropriate. We imagined queens of the past finding these amazing swim pools which are carved by nature into a lava shelf with an inlet from the ocean and cleansing their babies in the flowing water. Occasionally the waves would come and crash against the rocks. In this gorgeous picture of Josephine, she is being showered by the ocean's power and beauty. Mama Jo Jo, Mama Ocean, Mama Earth.
October 5, 2007 - Papa feels Baby J Move
Today I felt Baby J move in Josephine's belly. We were laying out underneath a blanket of Kauai stars. My hands were around Josephine's belly and her hands were on top of mine. I relaxed and sent love and happiness with my breath, through my hands. Then I felt a little kick right where my hands were. I was so happy to finally have felt the baby move. Pregnancy is such an amazing process and it never ceases to amaze me what a miracle every day is to witness.
September 29, 2007 - 20 Weeks
We decided that it would be nice to have one more romantic trip before the baby is born. We went to Maui & Kauai and enjoyed swimming in the ocean and playing in the sun. It was a great time to unwind, have time for ourselves, and set intentions for our new family. Baby J loves the ocean and had a great connection to a sea turtle we met while snorkling. As we watched the sea turtle swim with grace and ease, we imagined Baby J in the womb and thought the sea turtle might be it's animal totem. This is a picture of Josephine in front of the house we rented in Maui.
September 15, 2007 - The First Kick
I went to Marin Maternity Services to meet with one of the many nurses to have a checkup. Marin General Hospital requires us to use their services just in case I need to deliver in the hospital. When the nurse came in to examine me, she started to feel around my uterus. She was checking to see how much the baby had grown. Then she looked at me and said, "I can't feel the baby. Have you been feeling the baby move?" I answered, "No, but I am still only at the beginning of my 18th week, and sometimes mothers do not feel movement until 20-22 weeks." Then she said, "Well, have you been sleeping on your back? Because you know that this can harm your baby by pressing up against the Vena Cava which supplies oxygen to the fetus." I thought about it and replied: "Yes, I still have not found a comfortable way to sleep and have found myself sometimes for long periods on my back." She said quite seriously "Well I need to make sure the baby is still okay and breathing in there, so I want to do an ultrasound." At this point I began to freak out and thought "Oh no, could I have hurt my little baby?" The nurse left the room to find the machine and as I laid there I felt nervous and worried. The baby must have felt the change in my energy field because all of a sudden I felt a thump in my lower belly. At first I wasn't really sure if I had felt something because I had never felt movement before and wasn't quite sure what to expect. Yet, it lifted my spirits immediately, the way hope does, and when the nurse came back in I told her what happened and that I thought the baby was okay. She asked with doubt "Are you sure?"
I told her I can't be sure but I think so with a smile on my face. Then, just at that moment, I felt another two thumps. It was as if the baby wanted to reassure me, remove any worries or doubts, and let me know everything was okay. I felt so connected to the baby in that moment and thought how amazing it was that the baby could communicate to me, just when I needed it to. Thank you Baby J for letting Mama know you are doing just fine and that you are a little powerful being.
I told her I can't be sure but I think so with a smile on my face. Then, just at that moment, I felt another two thumps. It was as if the baby wanted to reassure me, remove any worries or doubts, and let me know everything was okay. I felt so connected to the baby in that moment and thought how amazing it was that the baby could communicate to me, just when I needed it to. Thank you Baby J for letting Mama know you are doing just fine and that you are a little powerful being.
September 13, 2007 - 18 Weeks
Pre-Papa Men's Circle
On September 9th we held the first Pre-Papa Men's circle at our house. The men of the pregnant women decided it was a good idea to get together to share ideas, fears, & feelings about becoming fathers. We began by having a drum circle and smudging each other with sage. We had a ritual of grounded ourselves to become present and aware in the moment. We went around and each person talked about what it felt like to be a soon to be papa, the joys, excitement, & questions. It was a time of honesty, acceptance, and release of judgement. Especially because we were all sharing with each other what choices we were planning on making in regards to birthing styles, midwives, vaccines, circumcission, and the roles we felt we had as fathers to our children. We were all very happy to have other men to talk about this with. We honored each other's choices and encouraged each other with confidence and faith. Then we watched videos of births on YouTube to educate and prepare us on the process of laboring and delivering a baby. I was very grateful for this experience and we all wanted to gather again soon.
September 11, 2007- Power to the Peaceful

Another amazing experience and conert for Baby J. We went to the Power to the Peaceful Festival in Golden Gate Park. We saw the Indigo Girls and Michael Franti tear it up. There were thousands of thousands of people there jumping around in the name of peace. Even Baby J was showing support with kicking and moving around. May our baby be peacful and be born into a world of peace.
September 6, 2007 - 17 Weeks
September 4, 2007- Stevie Wonder Concert
Our baby had the great honor of being able to go to a Stevie Wonder Concert at The Mountain Winery while in mama's belly. Stevie rocked the less than 200 person crowd. He played so many songs and was simply a delight to witness. Baby J was nestled in bliss to the amazing sounds of soulful music. We met up with Adam & Ashly and Kathleen & Andy who were all pregnant too. Kathllen and Ashly are due in December and their babies are alot bigger than mine. Look how their bellies surround mine.
September 1, 2007 - 16 Weeks
August 12, 2007 - 13 Weeks
Getting ready for Jaden's 5th birthday party. My belly is starting to Baloon out! Still feeling great. I have been blessed with not having any morning sickness and feeling beautiful. I am starting to regain some energy and not feel exhausted or like I need to take a nap all the time. Let's get this party started!
August 10, 2007 - 12 Weeks
Your Mama's Mama's Mama's Band performed at the Bizaar Cafe. It was the first time the band was performing with a real actual Mama in it. It was a great time and a wonderful performance. Some of both Joshua and Josephine's relatives were there. Josephine's newphew Jaden was a big hit and even came up and sang with us.
July 14, 2007 - 9 weeks
June 24, 2007 - Solstice Pool Party
We were hosting a pool party at our house and we decided it would be a perfect time to announce to our friends we were pregnant. So we gathered all our friends around the pool and everyone sat on the edge with their feet dangling in the water. We held hands, talked about the solstice and how grateful we are to have our community of friends. We took a moment of silence and looked around the circle into the eyes of each member of our phamily. Josephine said she had an announcement. With eveyone's undivided attention she made a joke about having our wedding, in August, in Hawaii! Everyone's eyes widened and we said we were just kidding. Hee Hee. We then let them know that we did have exciting news. That we were postponing our wedding for right now yet would still like to have one in the future. Josephine said," For now we would like to ground down, settle into our new home, and....(placing her hands on her belly) nurture the baby in my belly." Everyone cheered and began kicking their feet in the water, splashing around in celebration. It was incredible and joyous.
That day took a picture of all the pregnant mamas. Look how we shine.
June 15, 2007
The first sonogram of our baby already shows the magic present in this life form. The center dark spot is our actual baby...what a cute little spot. Notice the dolphin figure in white jumping over the spot on the upper left side. Also see if you can make out a figure on the right side of the photo. We like to call this our baby's guardian angel. Notice how there is an arm and hand outstretched under the baby's spot, almost like cradling it.
June 9, 2007
We were trying to figure out the perfect way to tell The Coopers that we were pregnant. Months before, we had planned a special weekend of flying Joshua’s parents to the Bay to celebrate Art’s 60th birthday. We were debating whether to keep the news to ourselves for the first two months (which most books and some people recommend due to the complications that can happen in the first trimester) or to share our great news and excitement. At this point we were only two weeks pregnant so we did recognize that it was a bit early to tell everyone. Yet in the end, we decided that the joy and happiness of having them present and being able to see their faces when we told them was a present in it self. Still, we wanted to share the news in a creative way. Here is what we came up with.
When we all get together for family gatherings, we love to play games. All kind of games like boardgames, card games, charades. That was it! We would have them figure it out in a charades game. Before we began, Josh and I mentioned to the group that we’d like to add a new category to accompany the normal guess a book, movie, or song title. That new category was an event. Everyone agreed and like the new twist on the game. We were playing for about an hour with all of us taking turns. Josh and I even played out some events like Springtime Tallahasse Festival and Jazz Fest. Eventually it was time to share the news. I was a little nervous to get up and act out “I am pregnant”. I stalled for awhile, pretending I was thinking about how to act out my topic. When I began, I made the hand signal we had come up with to signify I was acting out an event. Then I held up one finger and showed them I was doing the first word. I pointed to myself and they all guessed words like you, me and then said “I”. I nodded to let them know that was right. Then I held up two fingers and let them guess that it was a small word. Again they began to guess words like so, an, be and then said “am” in which I indicated was the right word. Next was the big one. I placed my hands on my diaphragm and then made a big round shape over my belly. They immediately said “pregnant” in which I put a smile on my face an nodded. Josh and I were watching their faces, yet they all still seemed a bit confused. They kept saying, “Okay, I am pregnant”. And then repeating outloud to themselves, “I am pregnant”, as if there was something they were missing or that I was not saying. They looked over to Josh and then back at me and I just gave them another big smile and nod. Ashly, in her cute pregnant self was like yeah, I am pregnant. Then Adam asked me,” Are you pregnant?” Joshua and I said yes at the same time and then everyone started screaming and coming towards me with big open arms. Such a glorious moment. One we will always cherish and hold in our hearts. It really was such a fun way to share that we are having a baby.
When we all get together for family gatherings, we love to play games. All kind of games like boardgames, card games, charades. That was it! We would have them figure it out in a charades game. Before we began, Josh and I mentioned to the group that we’d like to add a new category to accompany the normal guess a book, movie, or song title. That new category was an event. Everyone agreed and like the new twist on the game. We were playing for about an hour with all of us taking turns. Josh and I even played out some events like Springtime Tallahasse Festival and Jazz Fest. Eventually it was time to share the news. I was a little nervous to get up and act out “I am pregnant”. I stalled for awhile, pretending I was thinking about how to act out my topic. When I began, I made the hand signal we had come up with to signify I was acting out an event. Then I held up one finger and showed them I was doing the first word. I pointed to myself and they all guessed words like you, me and then said “I”. I nodded to let them know that was right. Then I held up two fingers and let them guess that it was a small word. Again they began to guess words like so, an, be and then said “am” in which I indicated was the right word. Next was the big one. I placed my hands on my diaphragm and then made a big round shape over my belly. They immediately said “pregnant” in which I put a smile on my face an nodded. Josh and I were watching their faces, yet they all still seemed a bit confused. They kept saying, “Okay, I am pregnant”. And then repeating outloud to themselves, “I am pregnant”, as if there was something they were missing or that I was not saying. They looked over to Josh and then back at me and I just gave them another big smile and nod. Ashly, in her cute pregnant self was like yeah, I am pregnant. Then Adam asked me,” Are you pregnant?” Joshua and I said yes at the same time and then everyone started screaming and coming towards me with big open arms. Such a glorious moment. One we will always cherish and hold in our hearts. It really was such a fun way to share that we are having a baby.
May 23, 2007
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