Dear Baby J,
A few weeks ago we had an amazing connection that I am still vibrating on. I was so thrilled that I shared it with many friends and thought it would be a good thing to share it with you in writing. On this special night, your Mama was sleeping with her back resting on me. I was still awake and my hand was palm down on her belly. I was talking to you and asking if everything was okay in there. A few seconds later you kicked right where my hand was. It was so cool, as if you were saying "Yes Dad, I am O.K., Do you want to Play?" I said yes back to by you by pressing down into Mama's belly right where you kicked. I waited for your response and counted the seconds. 45 seconds later you kicked in that exact same spot. The 45 seconds you took to respond taught me patience. So this time instead of pressing down immediately, I counted 45 seconds and then pressed down 3 time in a row. Then I sat still. 45 seconds later, almost exactly, you kicked my hand 3 times!!! I was amazed. I got so happy that your Mama woke up and smiled. I love you sooooo much. You are already teaching me and playing with me....and we have a whole life time left to continue. See you soon, Feel you Now, Love, Dad
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