December 26, 2007-Mandala Belly Painting

My dearest and oldest friend, Stefanie, is pregnant and having a baby in April, two months after Baby J. We are so blessed to be sharing this journey together. When we were younger, we used to talk about having babies around the same time and now God has gifted us a wish we manifested so long ago. It was nice to be back home, spending time, sharing pregnancy stories and having our little ones meet, via belly rubbing.
Her sister, Jessica, is the amazing artist who painted mandalas on our bellies and then took us on a
photo shoot around South Florida. Baby J loved the sensation of having Mama's belly painted and showed his/her excitement by dancing around in the belly. We had such a fun time together and the pictures reflect the radiance of the day. Joshua came along and was Jessica's photo assistant. Thank you, Jessica, for creating such a beautiful day for all of us to share.

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