10 Months

Hi Everyone! I am ten months today. Goodness life is moving fast and I am growing more beautiful each day. I had my first Thanksgiving and I feel so blessed to be living this life. I love to laugh and play with all my great friends. I am staring to walk around while holding on to the table or someone's fingers. I imagine soon I will be walking. For now, I crawl faster than the wind and keep my parents very busy. We are all so happy to have each other.

9 Months

Coral had a healthy and fun filled month of traveling and getting into the Halloween Spirit. Someone suggested that Coral looks so much like Mama that we should put a wig on her and dress up the same for Halloween. Instead, Mama thought it would be funny to dress up like Coral, hence the bald cap and Mini Me. Coral went on two Yoga retreats this month. One in Santa Cruz for Mama's Yoga retreat, and one in Ft. Lauderdale for Papa's Yoga Journal Conference. She had so much fun hanging with her friend Ella and playing with her cousins in Florida. We love family and feel so fortunate that we got to spend some good quality time with everyone.

8 Months

Lots of new adventures in Coral's life. Sharing time with cousins, first swings, and pumpkin patch with friends. We dressed all the kids up in costumes and went to the pumpkin patch. It was a beautiful day in the orange sun. Life with Coral is so much fun!

7 Months

Coral has had a fun month with family, friends and lots of music. We had a blessing celebration for Coral that joined our families and was so beautiful. She has started to crawl and has sprouted her first two teeth. Oh my goodness, she is getting to be such a big girl.

6 Months

Coral has been a busy little girl this last month. She is rolling all over the house, beginning to crawl, teething and starting to exercise her voice. She is heaven and we feel close to God being in her presence. On August 12th she turned 6 months and we were reminded on how fast time flies. Breathing in the moments as much as we can and enjoying the ride.

3 to 5 months

Coral Lily is growing up so beautiful and happy. Her new favorite thing is to roll over and balance sitting up. She loves hanging out with her cousin Elijah. We pretty much live in a musical around here, as we are singing to each other all the time. She loves the guitar and actually strums the strings. Yep, she is amazing!

Weeks 9 & 10

We had a fun week of passover. Zeta & Bubbe, Coral's grandparents, came to visit and we all had a great time. She loves them so much. Zeta makes her laugh and Bubbe is so cozy. Coral is smiling and enjoying life these days. Having Josh's family around was so amazing. Thank Goodness for grandparents!

Week 8

This week Coral really came into her sweet shining essence. Radiating her smile and enjoying more of the Bay Area's nature. We also swam in the pool for the first time. Coral love the water already and is mesmerized by the sparkling blue.

Weeks 6 & 7

Week 5

Week 5 was a great week of nature, friends, and smiles.

Week 4

So many changes happening in our beautiful girl's life. We are beginning to communicate with each other and understand each other's cues. This week we received many smiles from Coral, deep eye contact, and playful moments. We also had a foot fetish this week, as you can tell in the photos...this is mainly due to how cute Coral's feet are.

Day 8

Click below to see more pictures from Day 8

Day 6 & 7

Click below to see more pictures from Day 6 & 7

Day 4 & 5

Click on the link below to see more pictures from Day 4 & 5

Day 3

Click below for more pictures from Day 3.

Day 2

Click below for more pictures from Day 2.

Day 1

Click below to see more pictures from Day 1.

Coral Lily's Birth Day

Click box below for more pictures from the day of her birth.

February 11, 2008 - Last Pregnant Belly Pose

While taking a nap, I awoke to a stream of water coming out of me. My water broke at 3:30pm, (33 of course). Baby J has begun the journey upon entering the world. I enter this passage with ease, confidence and faith. And yes, mostly excitement that soon I will hold my angel in my arms. This picture was taken minutes after my water breaks. Feeling graceful, knowing this would be the last photograph of Baby J on the inside. The last photo of the amazing process of pregnancy. Joy fills my heart. Thank you God for the gift of carrying Life.

February 10, 2008 - 39 Weeks

Spending a beautiful Sunday afternoon with some of my favorite ladies. Surrounded by love and feeling really close to meeting my Baby J.

February 4, 2008 - 38 Weeks

I am so thankful that my brother and I have gotten the chance to share this blessed experience together. Our children and going to be super close cousins and the greatest of friends. We have had the good fortune of getting to spend time with Adam, Ashly, & Elijah. In this picture Josephine is holding Elijah over the belly and womb of Baby J. It was a moment I could have taken a thousand pictures of. I am excited for the day when our children can look back at this picture and feel the love we all share.

I love being pregnant, or should I say, I love Josephine being pregnant, but I guess in a way we both are. Anyway you look at it, this process has been fun, educational, grounding, and has brought me and Josephine even closer together.

February 1, 2008 - The Birthing Tub

We enjoyed a great welcome into our birthing month. Joshua set up our birthing tub and I have been truly enjoying it. I am in it several times a day and it really helps me relax and unwind before going to bed. It feels like heaven on my sometimes aching body. Especially for my hips. I get to move around easily in different positions and just let my belly hang. It feels therapeutic on my entire system. It is set up in our living room, near the projector screen Josh bought for us over the holidays. I got to watch a good part of a movie while floating around. So delicious.

January 29, 2008- Feeling Baby J

Today I got an amazing reality check. I had an appointment with my midwife, Amrit, and was telling her about how I was still running around town, running all these errands and feeling a little hectic about all there was to do. She advised me that I should be careful with my energy, that I should be nesting and get as much rest as possible because I was going to need it if I went into labor, which she mentioned could happen at any time now. Though I knew she was right, my stubborn mind felt I couldn't settle or be at ease until I got some major things off my to-do list. So although I was outwardly agreeing, inside I was telling myself it's okay to keep pushing on. I think Amrit picked up on this because she suggested that we do a pelvic exam to check on the baby, which usually is not her procedure of how she takes the baby stats. As she was feeling around inside she said, " I can feel the baby's head. Baby J has dropped into the pelvic cavity." She had me put on gloves to feel and I can't express the feeling in my heart when I felt Baby J's head. I was touching my baby. The feeling overwhelmed me with joy and excitement. It meant the baby really could be with us any day now. That the baby was positioning itself for the birth journey. I know this could also mean that the baby still could have a couple of weeks, yet my entire perspective changed. All that I felt was important to do, that I could not let go of before, just seemed to float away. It finally hit me that I really could go into labor at any moment and that being calm and settled was so necessary for the adventure I am about to embark on. My spirit felt uplifted and my priorities redirected. I am grateful that Amrit knows me so well and that she suggested the exam. It changed everything. I really feel blessed that she will be at my side during labor.
Also another reason to celebrate is that today my little niece, Ava Elisabeth, was born. She is healthy and beautiful and she and my sister,Rosa, are doing great. Thank you God for the amazing blessing of bringing Baby Ava into our lives. May she be a light for all of us.

January 25, 2008- 37 Weeks

Feeling great and celebrating these last few weeks of pregnancy. I am at the stage of pregnancy where I am starting to get ready/anxious about the birth. Lots to do before the baby comes. It is funny because I have come down to about three outfits I can comfortably wear now. So I guess you can say I am also starting to feel excited about having my body back. Oh the luxury it will be to be able to sleep on my belly again. Though I know I will miss being pregnant. The belly globe is an amazing rest for my arms when standing or sitting. Plus I love all the belly rubs.

January 19, 2008 - 36 Weeks

We were fortunate to take a mini vacation within our own city. Yoga Journal hosted a conference in downtown San Francisco and hired me to work there. We had a room at the Hyatt hotel and shared a wonderful weekend together. We did lots of Yoga and got to be in the presence of many great teachers. It was so amazing to see Josephine, at 36 weeks, fully engaged in her Yoga practice. Michael Franti played music and assisted in some Yoga classes. He also performed on Friday night and gave a peaceful speech that touched the heart of the entire conference. After speaking, he came off stage and placed his hands on Josephine's belly and said "Mama you are Shining!" Josephine placed her hands over his and replied "It is you who shines, I am just radiating that love." Josephine was in true Goddess spirit. So many people came up to her and shared how beautiful she looked and how she inspired them. It made me so happy to have my love with me in a community of people I respect and honor. We feel grateful for the experience.

January 15, 2008 - 35 Weeks

.....And the belly grows and grows...

January 13, 2008 - Blessing Way

What a sacred and special day. Julie hosted an amazing Blessing Way at our house with many of my closest girlfriends. Blessing ways are a tradition of North American Indians who mark the transition a woman makes when she moves from maiden to mother. It is a time of receiving for the mother to be, and a time when she is nurtured and honored by her community of women. I was filled with an abundance of love, encouragement, and support. The women sang and praised me and the circle was opened further by a few friends who sent beautiful words to be shared. I feel so wrapped in the comfort that my sisters will be there energetically as I birth Baby J into the world. Thank you God for the gift of friends.

January 1, 2008 - 34 Weeks

Happy New Year! So much to Celebrate in 2008. This is the year Baby J will make his/her entrance into the World. So much to enjoy in the present moment of carrying Life. So much to look forward to. Most of all, just meeting and seeing our baby's face for the first time.
My sweet and artistic friend, Paola, delighted in the moving canvas of my belly and painted Mendi (Henna) on it. It came out beautiful and it lasted for several days. Painting the belly as art, such an wonderful way to enjoy this process.

December 30, 2007 - Sister Love

It was our last day in Florida and I wanted to soak up a little more sun before returning to San Francisco's cold winter. Cristina is my best friend. She is the soul I reach out to whenever I need love and support. She is the first person I think of to call to share moments and new experiences of pregnancy with. Baby J already knows his/her Aunt Cristina by all the sweet belly rubbing and kisses she gives. J also knows Cristina by the vibration of love that fills my body when I think of her. She wraps me up in her love and I shine with happiness. I love you, my sister, my friend.

December 27, 2007 - 33 Weeks

33! What a special week. 33 is not only Josephine's favorite number but it is also her age this year. I love Josephine's belly. It amazes me every day, and it keeps getting bigger. It is a universe of life and bliss. Baby J moves almost every time I touch Josephine's belly. The connection between us is already forming into a flowing circle.

Being by the ocean made all three of us come alive. We got to enjoy the day and a beautiful sunset. We had fun taking pictures and love the one that came out with just my head under her round belly. So Cool!

December 26, 2007-Mandala Belly Painting

My dearest and oldest friend, Stefanie, is pregnant and having a baby in April, two months after Baby J. We are so blessed to be sharing this journey together. When we were younger, we used to talk about having babies around the same time and now God has gifted us a wish we manifested so long ago. It was nice to be back home, spending time, sharing pregnancy stories and having our little ones meet, via belly rubbing.
Her sister, Jessica, is the amazing artist who painted mandalas on our bellies and then took us on a
photo shoot around South Florida. Baby J loved the sensation of having Mama's belly painted and showed his/her excitement by dancing around in the belly. We had such a fun time together and the pictures reflect the radiance of the day. Joshua came along and was Jessica's photo assistant. Thank you, Jessica, for creating such a beautiful day for all of us to share.

December 24, 2007- 32 Weeks

It is Christmas Eve and I am enjoying a sunny day at the beach. I love Florida. The ocean is such an important part of my life. I know I will visualize the ocean's beauty and strength, her waves crashing on the shore, and her ebb and flow of tides as I birth Baby J into the world. Jaden gives love to Baby J all the time. He shares with me how much he loves and can't wait to meet his new little friend.

December 21, 2007- Leyla Plays with the Ball

Leyla, my cute little niece, loves to lift my shirt and rub my belly. It is very fun and exciting for her. She looks up at me, smiles and says "Ball". I say back to her, "Yes, a great big ball of Life".

December 16, 2007 - Florida Baby Shower

What an amazing day of being showered with love. My sister, Cristina, put together such a beautiful day of fun games, great food, sweet prizes and lots of special moments. There was a table full of Cannolies, my favorite dessert. Yummy! She made me a sweet memory book which everyone got to sign and write words of kindness. Even the invitations were rockin' and colorful. Everyone was given a onesie to decorate and there were some that were just simply outstanding and artistic. So many loved ones came from all over Florida to bless Baby J and fill our hearts with Joy. Mama Cooper came all the way from Tallahassee, via driving 3 hours to Jacksonville, flying down, going to the party and then flying and driving back all in the same day. Such heart filled devotion which we will always cherish. Josh surprised us all by making it there as well to share in the fun. My two nieces came dressed in ladybug outfits. They both looked so adorable and matched the theme of the party (Friendly Lovable Bugs) that Cristina created in honor of her Dragonfly Sister. We were showered with so many incredible baby gifts. Thank you to everyone who came and made the baby shower and day I will always hold dear to my heart.

December 15, 2007- 31 Weeks

Natural and Beautiful